34.) The uncle of Mr. W. D. Fard lives in the wilderness of North America and works sixteen hours out of twenty-four every day for a very little pay. He has a large family support and, on top of that, a Satan came along and sold him Life insurance, and gave him a written Guarantee that he will receive full benefit at once on after approval of his death.
Another Satan came along and sold him five hundred B. Shares at six percent, in Panama Canal, at $1.75 per Share.
The Panama Canal is fifty and one-half miles long; three hundred feet wide; and has a depth of forty-five feet.
What would be the amount of water in weight and gallons belonging to the uncle of Mr. W.D. Fard since there were nine thousand, nine hundred fifty-seven Share-Holders-not including the 15%?
It has been learned that the 85% could only receive correctly weight and measure in figures by any Mathematician.
What price was said per gallon today, including and compounding interest annually for of said, twenty years, at six percent?
One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches equals one cubic foot.
Sixteen ounces equal one pound.
One gallon contains two hundred thirty-one cubic inches.
One cubic foot contains seven and one-half gallons.
One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches weigh sixty-two and one half pounds.
Another Satan came along and sold him five hundred B. Shares at six percent, in Panama Canal, at $1.75 per Share.
The Panama Canal is fifty and one-half miles long; three hundred feet wide; and has a depth of forty-five feet.
What would be the amount of water in weight and gallons belonging to the uncle of Mr. W.D. Fard since there were nine thousand, nine hundred fifty-seven Share-Holders-not including the 15%?
It has been learned that the 85% could only receive correctly weight and measure in figures by any Mathematician.
What price was said per gallon today, including and compounding interest annually for of said, twenty years, at six percent?
One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches equals one cubic foot.
Sixteen ounces equal one pound.
One gallon contains two hundred thirty-one cubic inches.
One cubic foot contains seven and one-half gallons.
One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches weigh sixty-two and one half pounds.
Lion's Paw, Very good work. Some of the words are missing, which are essential to the problems. Examples are #'s 6,8,9,etc. Write to me at quickanddirect@yahoo.com Paul Guthrie (Making of the Whiteman).
Indeed good work. I like the pictures and illustrations going along with the problems personally.
I would also add that not only are some of the words missing, but also the rewards and prizes for some of the questions and answers. I think all of that has relevance to the Problem Book.
I believe that there are parts in the Problem Book veiled heavily with symbolism and esoteric meanings and may go even deeper then we would normally attribute to regular writings, even more so then many attribute to the lessons themselves; and it may be that the prizes and rewards and even all of that terminology itself has something to do with the inner meanings of some of these problems.
Of course many would laugh at this suggestion but it cannot be denied that the these problems mean much more then the face value of these simple to complex mathematic word problems. Just a cursory read of problem No.31 or 13 and you know these aren't regular word problems; that they have deeper inner meanings.
This is the only one of the Lessons written entirely by Master Fard Muhammad given to us, which regardless what anyone wants to say , by virtue of the work of his student, and that student students no one cannot deny that this was not an ordinary man.
His manner of teaching was unusual, the language he used as well. And there is a sentence in the Instructions Given to the Laborers in which he reference a part of the Qu'ran (59:7) which tells of a story of Prophet Muhammad and his followers in which Master Fard states "This is in the 34 Problems that you have, if you understand."
I personally still do not understand, but by his admission there are things IN the 34 problems , seeds if you will that he purposely placed within the problems that when we have the understanding/enlightenment or what have you we'll be able to see.
So just a humble request to the brother Lion's Paw, if you could please add those parts which were part of the problem book as well. Who knows it may actually help some one at some time.
Thanks and Peace.
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