24.) Platoon is four billion, six hundred million miles from the Sun, and she travels the same rate around the Sun as the rest of the Planets. It takes her three hundred forty-five years to make one complete circle around the Sun. Her diameter is sixty-seven thousand miles. Find out the square mileage and the number of miles she travels in three hundred forty-five years.
Planet X
While its mission did not involve a search for Planet X, the IRAS space observatory made headlines briefly in 1983 due to an "unknown object" that was at first described as "possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this Solar System".[36] However, further analysis revealed that of several unidentified objects, nine were distant galaxies and the tenth was "intergalactic cirrus"; none were found to be Solar System bodies.[37]
In 1988, Jackson and Killen studied the stability of Pluto's resonance with Neptune by placing test "Planet X-es" with various masses and at various distances from Pluto. Pluto and Neptune's orbits are in a 3:2 resonance which prevents their collision or even any close approaches, regardless of their separation in the z-dimension. It was found that the hypothetical object's mass had to exceed 5 Earth masses to break the resonance, however the parameter space is quite large and a large variety objects could have existed beyond Pluto and not disturb the resonance. Four test orbits of a trans-Plutonian planet have been integrated forward for four million years in order to determine the effects of such a body on the stability of the Neptune-Pluto 3:2 resonance. Planets beyond Pluto with masses of 0.1 M and 1.0 Earth masses in orbits at 48.3 and 75.5 AU, respectively, do not disturb the 3:2 resonance. Test planets of 5 Earth masses with semimajor axes of 52.5 and 62.5 AU disrupt the four million year libration of Pluto's argument of perihelion.
Another thought is why did the Master call the last planet Platoon? There is no where in the history of Pluto that they ever called it Platoon, except through Greek traditions Hades who is Pluto or Pluton.
Pluton/Platoon according to wikipedia is- A pluton in geology is an intrusive igneous rock body that crystallized from magma slowly cooling below the surface of the Earth. Plutons include batholiths, dikes, sills, laccoliths, lopoliths, and other igneous bodies. In practice, "pluton" usually refers to a distinctive mass of igneous rock, typically kilometers in dimension, without a tabular shape like those of dikes and sills. Batholiths commonly are aggregations of plutons. The most common rock types in plutons are granite, granodiorite, tonalite, and quartz diorite.
Maybe he was speaking on a totally different planet altogether.
Look in your lessons book, everything is there Lord
The universe is everything, sun, moon, and stars. They are planets. planets are something grown or made from the beginning and holy is something that has not been diluted mixed or tampered with in any form.
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