7.) If one one-hundredth of a cubic inch contains two hundred million Atoms, the total Atmosphere weighs eleven and two-thirds quintillion pounds. One-third of eleven and two-thirds quintillion pounds equal Atoms. Mr. Muhammad cracked one Atom into ten million parts. Then Mr. Sharrieff wants to know how much the one-third of a cracked Atom weighs?
Why do you post with picture
@ the bottom with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Master Fard Muhammad(to whom praises are due forever) in the background, and in greyscale color while having Louis Farrakhan in the front? What does this picture mean?
It means to Love your Brother/Sister as you love yourself. Even if YOU would do it differently.
Agreed brother! Thanks for the response!
200,000,000 atoms in 1/100 of a cubic inch
20,000,000,000 atoms in a cubic inch
Atmosphere weighs 11,666,000,000,000,000,000
Atoms part of atmosphere weighs
333,000,000,000,000,000 pounds
Mr. Muhammad cracked one atom into 10,000,000
I feel like some info is missing...I'll come back to this one.
the problem book is a trap for those who are trying to solve the actual questions rather than finding out the point of the question and whats the underlying meaning of it all
I think the point of the problem is to get the reader to study the self the self creation of the originator (ALLAH) and by doing so your actually studying yourself and the science of life. it says an atom is one-tenthousand of 1, so in theology of time lecture series elijah muhammad asked how did our father get those other 9,999 parts together to make himself whole or 1. he said the originator creatd himself from 10,000 main parts, now if an atom is one-tenthousand of 1 and 10,000 x 1,000 = 10,000,0000 which is the ten million parts that 1 atom was cracked into. so i look at it how it relates to me meaning how can i make my self 1 or bring myself into oness with the originator of the heavens and earth and the cosmic harmony of the universe
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